domingo, 3 de marzo de 2013

EL SALVADOR (Feb. 1-7)

One of the missions in which one of our group was able to preach

Some of the people from one of the missions-
Matt led the lady standing next to him to the Lord last February while there.
He was encouraged to see her continuing faithfully
along with her family which she has won to the Lord.

The pastor's that attended the conference

The literature we left for the churches in Chiapas 

FRESNILLO, ZAC.  (Feb. 14)
The group of pastors attending the conference in Fresnillo, Zacatecas

The pastors receiving their literature

CIRUELA, COAH. (Feb. 15-17)
Preaching the 15th Ann. of Mount Calvary Baptist Church, 
this is where we first pastored back in 2003 - 2005

Us with the Shields (Matt's parents-his father is now pastor there)

Hno. Lupe and his wife (right) taught the sessions


Game time

The banquet

The winners of a special prize for the day

All the youth and young adults who helped immensely throughout the day

Church Fellowship (Feb. 24)
One afternoon several of us got together and went to the park just to enjoy some time together.

Our Family for this month.

One of Judah's latest adventures!

Selah's first decorated cake - all by her self!

Enoch trying hard at the park.

Mercy's first Gerber.

Tirsa with some of her latest art work :)

Caleb, almost 10, is constantly stretching the limits.

Us, Happy to be in Love,
Happy to serve our Lord,
Happy for our Family,
and Happy that your are part of our lives!

God Bless!