Several Months of Countless Blessings
Hno. Angel receiving a recorded Bible
The end of October Matt preached the 30th anniversary services
of a church that his dad started.
The kids participating with a special
Doing a few 'fix up' jobs at church
Everyone can help out.
We sanded down and varnished all the benches.
We still have five left that need cushions.
Hno. Abel Herrera preached the first three days of our
Family Conference during the month of November.
Part of the Rondalla Paraiso came with him,
and they brought the special music.
The first night
Hno. Abel Andres preached the last three nights.
Showing off the knit stocking caps that were given to us
by some ladies in Texas.
Enjoying some craft and fellowship time.
Ivan and Rosy. They have two children.
She got saved during the Family Conference
and is one of our expectant mothers.
The ladies won a three month Sunday school competition
that finished in December.
Our church workers Christmas party
Getting ready for the Christmas play that didn't happen
Matt and Naomi, four days after the electrical accident in December.
Grateful for God's goodness
The first days at home
Happy to be together
The church people putting evangelism packets together.
Enjoying the fellowship in the process
Getting ready to pass out packets in the market
The kids classes and clubs....
...hold the next generation.
Baby Shower for Sandra
She is Estella's (our neighbor) daughter-in-law.
We've been praying for Estella's salvation for years.
About half of the ladies that attended the shower
A heritage from the Lord
Hno. Jaime and Hna. Lupe, they are two of the
people that we've seen results from after Matt's accident.
Matt preaching a Missions Sunday in Iglesia Bautista Berea
New Mission
Mt. Zion Baptist Mission (2 months old)
Learning the choruses
Learning from the Bible
We are blessed!
Thank you for being part of this ministry.
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